Zoning, Licens ing & Construction Committee (ZLC)
The ZLC Committee holds monthly meetings and welcomes NEWRA members and non-members interested in neighborhood issues. Check the Calendar for specific meeting dates.
ZLC Committee Mission Statement
The ZLC Committee keeps informed on all applications pending before state and local agencies and appears at hearings and meetings of such agencies in person or by letter to report the positions taken by NEWRA's members on variances, zoning and licensing issues. The committee maintains relationships with the Boston Redevelopment Authority, the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Licensing Board, the Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing, and other public agencies.
North End Liquor Licenses and Building Permits
Click link to review ADCO's interactive data maps
ZLC Committee Meetings and Supporting Materials
ZLC Committee meetings are open to all neighborhood residents and are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Mariners House. Please check the Monthly Calendar for the exact meeting schedule. Many of the ZLC items are also discussed (and voted on by our membership) at NEWRA's regular monthly meeting. To see what items are coming up, and the exhibits associated with those items (including applications and diagrams/plans), please click on the button below.
ZLC Committee Monthly Agendas
The Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee issues agendas and updates on relevant neighborhood issues. Many of these reports can be accessed in PDF form.
Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing (post ZLC)
The Zoning Board of Appeals makes final decision on Zoning variance and conditional use applications. Their meetings are recorded and can be seen on Boston's website. The Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services (ONS) takes input from NEWRA and factors it into their recommendation to the ZBA. As you will see, on many occasions ONS's emphasis on NEWRA's votes, even our strongest super-majority votes, can sometimes be weak or non-existent. Please contact the Mayors' office if you would like ONS to more closely reflect North End Residents' views as expressed through NEWRA votes.
ZLC Chair
Victor BrognaZLC Committee Policies
ZLC Related Links
ISD - Boston Inspectional Services
BRA - Boston Redevelopment Authority BTD - Boston Transportation Department ACE – United States Army Corps of Engineers CZM – Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management DEP – Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection EOEA – Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs MEPA Unit - Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Unit EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency ZLC Committee Letters & Documents

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Community Calendar
Copyright © 2009-2014 North End/Waterfront Residents' Association, All rights reserved.